another video from GOLDEN BOMBER 【ゴールデンボンバー】美輪さんができるまで

another fucking awesome video from GOLDEN BOMBER!
super LoL!~!!

what the heck is this??

this is how Kyan turned from Mad into super-Crazy, people! Lmfao!
i’m so bored, so i opened youtube and looked for some funny vidoe. And~~ voilla! This is what i found! They’re so damn funny, especialy kyan. I can’t believe he could be as crazy as kiryuuin or kenji! Unfortunately, i don’t understand what he said in the whole video, damn... ( ‘=__=) i only understand when he yelled "bakayarou" while he wore make up.
i also laughed out when he ate a bread with very grateful face. like he almost cried, i guess (i've told you that i don't understand his japanese) the woman inside the store gave it to him.
yeah, I need crazy band like this.

go go go GOLDEN BOMBER!! 

thx to my friend Riku for tagged me those pictures

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