fujoushi is my secret guilty pleasure *plaaak!

ini posting laaaaaaama di jurnal aku yang kurasa perlu kuposting, just FYI ppl. if u wanna gimme a shit after this, well, Talk to My Hand!!
(- - ")/

For your information, aku ngga ada niatan pertamanya untuk jadi fujoushi. Seneng ngeliat fanservice emang seneng, tapi itu Cuma seneng gitu aja. Tau kan, jenis seneng karena tingkah lucunya jrocker iseng-iseng di atas panggung. Bahkan saat aku mulai meniti karir *HOEEK =A=|l* sebagai fujoushi dengan pairing entah gakuhai entah haitsu *tapi bukan gakuhaitsu!! XXD* aku Cuma menganggapnya sbg lucu-lucuan aja, entah fotonya, doujinnya, ataupun FF-nya. Tapi lama kelamaan, aku ngerasa ngga sreg pas baca FF misalkan pas baca haitsu/tethai aku ngerasa imej-nya tetsu sebagai seme. Whaaat~?! Tetsu is ultimate uke! everyone who knows him know that!! Mulai dari ketidakpuasanku terhadap imej itulah entah mengapa aku berakhir sebagai fujoushi.
I know. Fujoushi is part of my self that i don’t admit as part of my self.
Well, afterthat... somehow i keep moving from one pairing to others. From one band to another. Sampai akhirnya.... aku menjadi seperti ini[nista].
Sekian dari saya tentang dunia per-fujoushian saja.
m(_ _)m

Bohong kok, curhatnya masih ada lagi XXD *sok penting*
Ada yang pernah nonton FUJOUSHI KANOJO? Kurang lebih dalam kehidupan normal saya seperti itu. hwahahhahhahah~! *digebukin koibito*
Enggak kok *bohong lagi* koi-kun ngga pernah marah sama aku biar aku nggambeknya kek apa. Ngga tau dah gimana cerita  ^^d
Tambahan lagi, fujoushi-ku terbatas Cuma ama dunia jrock, ngga merambat ke anime, dorama apalagi kpop. Ah, wait... bohong ding. Aku baru inget aku pernah dikasi temenku Takumi-kun The Series ^///^ *ngumpet di kolong*. My classmate, esspecially the one who sits right beside me, knows that I have a journal where I usually write everything. This is one of my favorite post :3
Wait, before i talk about my posts in my journal. That person, my classmate, is the only one person who knows (in the real world and me as both of jasumin and jasmine) that I AM A FUJOUSHI.
how could i do that?!

i think (with my fujoushi brain) reitaXkai isn’t that bad, is it?
>>>now playing: Yuki Koi Uta –kagrra

I found some of the most adorable photos a few days ago. And for god’s sake they R really adorable!!! I mean... check these out!!!

 AAAAAARRGGGHH!!!! What are these two guys doing???? You don’t have to wait for a fucking second to tell me that THERE’S MUST BE SOMETHING WITH THEM (in this pict). I KNOW IT!!!! I KNOW IT!!!! *get hit from fan of ReitaXRuki.
Nah, could you see??? Why both of them were touching their chest? I know, i mean i guess, they were feeling their heart-beat. From their costume i know this probably was taken on the Tokyo Dome, final tour NLVB 2010. This is the conversation that i imagine they were talking about.
Demo, kore wa zettai ni muri datta. Murimurimurimurimurimurimurimuri!

~on the backstage of the GazettE in Tokyo Dome~

>Reita: er... Kai-kun. i’m feeling nervous >,< *uke sound*
>kai: really? Me too, Rei-chan ^_^
>reita: *touching his chest* i could feel my heartbeat Kai-kun...
>kai: *holding his chest too* woah... u’re right Rei-chan! >w< *gettin’ nervous*
>reita: it sounds like... your drum set when u’re playing on it, Kai-kun! so hard, and it feels like it would jump out from my chest *still, uke sound*
> reita and Kai: (both r gettin’ nervous so nobody talk) *deg deg deg*
>kai: ano... reichan? ^_^ *dimple attack*
>reita: *look up into kai’s eyes* yes?
>kai: my heart-beat sounds like your bass, it’s echoing in my chest ^_^ 

Huuoooo!!!!!! (“)O___O(‘’)
JUST KILL ME, PPL!!! This conversation drives me mad!! *nosebleed because of my own imagination*
Okay, NEEEEXT!!!!
Enough for the chit-chat!

>reita: really kai-Kun?? *blushing*
>kai: yeah! I’m not lying right now. I’m really nervous! >_<
>reita: no! I mean... does your heartbeat really sound like my bass? >_< *now reita is nervous because he’s around kai*
>kai: yes! You’re not doubting me, are u reichan? @_@.  Do you wanna... feel it?
>reita: *thinking ‘yes-no-yes-no-yes-no-YESSS!!!!’* uhm... may I? *blinking his eyes*
> kai: of course! Here! Touch it in my chest so you can feel my heartbeat... and reichan?
>reita: yes, kai-kun?
>kai: your bass is really beautiful ^_^
>reita: ah.... arigatou, Kai-kun >///< *touch chest of Kai-kun*
>kai: do you feel it, reichan?
>reita: *speechless* y-yes kai-kun... *UKE SOUND NEVER TURN OFF*
>kai: reita? *touching cheek of reita*
>reita: kai-kun? Is there something wrong with my noseband? *blink-blink eyes*

I’m really feel guilty with Rukichu <3
I’m sorry Ru~~ but the pairing of these two people R so damn hot! XD

I really like the line when i made kai-kun said that his heartbeat was echoing in his chest like bass of reita. LoL!! I mean, LoY(Lot of Yaoi :P)

Well, well, wel....
Remember old post when I said Kai-kun is better to be straight? Nah, that  was tottaly wrong. Or at least let’s say that i had changed my fucking  mind. Another post was made when i wanted so bad about stuff that I saw in the previous day.
Oh, wait, i made a pict like this a day after the post above: 

DOO IU KOTO GA, TEME?! @__@;)a *sweatdrops*
Again, these posts prove that i could easily change my mind.

Okay, about the post that i told:

i’m having breakfast a .... suspicious looking porridge =_____=
>>>now playing: Nobody’s Home- ONE OK ROCK
I saw a cute rabbit’s ears headscraft yesterday. I wish I am a cosplay geek so I have a reason to buy it :3
And suddenly... i though about some sceen which I imagine as Shou and Mpon. Wait a sec, I’ll look for the pict!
Nah, i changed my mind a few minutes ago, so I made a pict of uru wearing that headscraft. :3
I need an uke face!!

_oneday, Uru and Aoi went to some store to buy someone’s bi’day purezento, and then Uru Found the Bunny’s Ears headscraft_
Uru     : Aoi, look! *wore the headscraft*
Aoi     : *speechless*
Uru     : *hopes Aoi would say something about him*
Aoi     : let’s continue our search!
Uru     : ah... ok!
L*said nothing and then took off the headscraft*
_once they were out frome the store and then... they were waiting for the bus Aoi sudenly dissapeared. A few minutes later he shown with some plastic bag in his hand_
Aoi     : i think You look pretty cute with that. And it seems you like it so... *give Uru the plastic bag* i bought it for you just now.
Uru     : *speechless when he found the Bunny’s Ear headscraft inside the plastic bag* Arigatou Aoi-kun~~

Oh my god~~~ it was ended like THIS!!!

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