books and life

hmm yha gitu. belakangan di rumah udah di pasang wi fi lagi, tapi baru ada kesempatan (dan keteguhan) buat ngeblog lagi.

my lyyyyfeee has been such an up and down, most the ups are because the books.

so here's my beloved baby:
 engga tau ini buku apa, nemu aja di Gramedia di Bandung, eh pas inisialnya juga bagus.gotta take a pict

 scrapbooking is actually fun.
except you're totally not creative and broke lol

 taman depan rumah, lebaran sebelum balik ke semarang lagi. 
2nd book from Haruki Murakami.


 last book i bought in semarang, exactly from +Periplus  bandara A. Yani semarang. lucky enough to have Junichiro Tanzaki

 on my Harry Potter books Marathon

 gue kirain ngebahas ttg film The Davinci Code, ternyata lebih ke Iluminati dan tetek bengeknya gitu2. hmmm new kind of book



 Pas di cafe ama Ferizka ama Niken.kangen mereka.

'Lolita' before they changed the cover. AGAIN.

repisiiiii dan data KTI

Cant Get Enough of this book.
Amy Dunne my heroess!!!

Another book from Haruki Murakami

"Nobody's too old for a fairytale"

Buku yang fue dapet buat hadiah ultah ke-21 dari Feriz, Ncen, Mbak Fes, ama Maria. Failed surpsise and midnight burjo XDD

hmmm yah gitu. buku yang nyelamatin gue.

so, with all these photo, i got so many question why do insist not to have INSTAGRAM?
it has to do with my over-thinking, uncoffident, ansos, and ehm... depression, maybe. 
sebagai pengguna android sebenernya obviously malu2in kalo ngga punya sosial media kan? i mean this is almost two thousand and fucking sixteen, and i got no INSTAGRAM and PATH? and no TWITTER, no BBM, no ASK.FM? whatever.

gue orangnya terlalu kepikiran. gue tipe yang tau gue seperti apa, i know myself very well, and unfortunately, gue ngga bisa ngga kepikiran ttg apapun yg gue liat di sosmed.
call me hypocrit whatsoever, you still not me.
kalo ada orang foto ttg liburannya (ex: dulu pas gue kuliah rame2nya orang mendaki gunung), gue bakal bertanya2, atau lbih tepatnya berdebat dengan diri gue sendiri tentang "kenapa gue gak jalan-jalan?" 

apa gue ngga punya uang?  
definitely no, i've never lack of money even in the end of a month i sometimes lucky enought to have pizza hut (haha)

apa gue gak punya temen?
hmm probably? tapi kemaren dulu gue diajakin ama temen2 gue ke pantai Klanyar (WHICH IS FUCKING AWESOME), so i guess i'm not really a bad person, right?

gue juga luckily punya temen diluar temen kampus gue. well, technically my boyfie's friends... but we still hang out often. 

so i guess i simply said all those stuff (instagram and other socmed and the trip and the adventures. lol) is such a pain. i'm okay with my sim room and my books. with McD breakfast at the end of the month or kremesan at the beginning at the month. i know i don't have to PROVE TO anyone about anything and just stay doing what i like. not having trips and adventures and no socmed. after all, i'm an INFJ person haha 

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