
Review: The Couple Next Door

kalau kalian notice di instagram aku, aku belakangan baca buku The Couple Next Door . just bought the book from my way back to Indonesia and had few euro left and decided to spend it on (more) book.     Judul : The Couple Next Door  Pengarang :  Shari Lapena Tahun Release : 2017 (bought it fresh from the oven) novel ini menceritakan(as it always tells), sepasang suami istri Anne dan Marco Conti lagi dinner time sama tetangga mereka, the Stillwell. Anne dan Marco ninggalin bayi mereka, Cora, di rumah sebelah yang dindingnya dempetan dengan hanya pengawasan audio dari monitor bayi. lewat tengah malem,mereka pulang dan ternyata the Baby is gone. someone took her. Anne akhirnya menelpon polisi dan disini mulailah cerita tentang usaha mereka buat dapetin Cora lag. ratting goodreadnya 3.7 but honestly buat gue... this book obly deserve 3. and "New York Time Bestseller" ? like how? ketika liat buku ini. married couple crime drama aku udah seiap ...

My so-far Best Plot Twisted Movies

oke, post ini kudunya barengan ama daftar soal film physiological-romance-ish thriller  itu tapi begitulah, baru mood ngepost dan udah agak-agak lupa listnya apa aja.sebenernya susah buat milih2 antara mana film yang masuk dalam kategori ini dan kategori yang satunya. tapi kayaknya amu milih lebih berdasarkan mana aspek yang paling menonjol postnya dikit banget soalnya banyak yg hanya honorably mention haha, tapi I promise honorably mention juga rekomen dan related ama post ini. film-film yang mind blow ini sebenernya narrowed down ke film yang alur ceritanya gak ketebak. ato tipe2 film yang di awal kita udah dikasih clue dikit2 tapi bakal di reveal di akhir cerita sebagai 'the key' of stories macem little act ato flashback2 karakter cerita. ugh, I'm bad at giving recommendation film. okay here straight to them

D=OUT funny, they're so kawaii!! -^,^-

jadi ceritanya, lagi ubek2 draft. terus nemu ini postingan 2011an. terus ketawa2 inget masih SMP-SMA amsih Viskei wave banget kerjaanya nytalking amoeba sampek subuh. inget lagu2 viskei masih badai2, bela2in ke warnet buat update PV terbaru. ... terus inget Isshi Meniggal. Kagrra, bubar. Vivid bubar. scRew bubar. Alice Nine bubar. Nega bubar.   WHAT THE FUCK, WORLD. you making me happy and then you tear me apart. I cant!!   Huft...belakangan hari2 yang berat untuk saya ..TxT.. Yak, cukup curhatnya, ini adalah beberapa kenistaan anak d=out. Mari tentukan tingkat kewarasan mereka! XXD enjoy~~ ‘MAKING OF サイケデリコ∞サイケデリコ PV’   Ibuki: i’ll feed u with this, honeeh~~ koukun: mmpphh! Mmph!! *bekep XXD Koukun: *dalam hati* saya disekap cowok cakep v(-^^-)v   Gantian~~ sekarang koukun yang nyekap ibuki! ibuki: *pasrah   Astaganagabonarjaditujuhbibiribukisangatkawaiipengenkuciumm!!!! >,< *gemes liat bebek-b...
Waktu berasa terbang cepet banget ya... It's 00:54 in the morning and i can't sleep because my eyes are badly swollen from crying. I'm 22 yo and i still don't know how to get my shit together. I feel as empty as before and years before. I don't know what happen to me. I feel so heavy and yet so hollow. 

Personally Recomended Beautiful Thriller/Creepy Movies

okaaay as promised, aku bakal ngepost soal movie lagi, tapi kali ini aku bakal post ttg unconventional love story ato dark romance atau anything that have unpredicted twist or jut simply beautifully dark. beberapa diantaranya bukan Romance obviously, tapi it's just oddly beautiful, beberapa diantaranya emang romance tapi i forgot which ones they were not like an usual love story. damn aku udah bikin dafftarnya tapi engga tau kenapa hilang dan sekarang aku lost haha. okay try to make this without the concept i just made. PS: this is no a good review, i just recomended stuff i watch :3

my Doodle

it took over a year for me to get back in sketching.  those time when i couldn't sketch was the time when my depression getting worse. scary isn't it what depression took from me? i just sketch this one last week. my first sketch after over a year

Personally Recomended Sad-fluffy Romance Movies

like seriously, i dont know any better tittle for this lol. aku udah lama pengen ngeblog lagi, karena juga wifi di rumah udah nyala, i have tons of spare time so... i mostly watch movies and read books. i 've had tons of hearbreaks too, lol. jadi movies ini kurang lebih movies yang aku tonton untuk melalui "i have to be okay"-phase kind of. sebenernya aku pengen ngejudulin "Unconventional Love Story" tapi opo yo rek, kayak kurang pas, PLUS, ada satu lagi list movie yang aku bikin soal romance movie dan kayaknya title itu lebih cocok dimasukin ke list yg itu (hopefully in mood to post them). spoiler: ngga semua "good love story" berakhir dengan karater utamanya bareng, i'm just saying. okay no more bacot, here you goes in no particulary order