Personally Recomended Sad-fluffy Romance Movies

like seriously, i dont know any better tittle for this lol.

aku udah lama pengen ngeblog lagi, karena juga wifi di rumah udah nyala, i have tons of spare time so... i mostly watch movies and read books.

i 've had tons of hearbreaks too, lol.
jadi movies ini kurang lebih movies yang aku tonton untuk melalui "i have to be okay"-phase

kind of.

sebenernya aku pengen ngejudulin "Unconventional Love Story" tapi opo yo rek, kayak kurang pas, PLUS, ada satu lagi list movie yang aku bikin soal romance movie dan kayaknya title itu lebih cocok dimasukin ke list yg itu (hopefully in mood to post them).
spoiler: ngga semua "good love story" berakhir dengan karater utamanya bareng, i'm just saying.

okay no more bacot, here you goes in no particulary order

1. COMET (2014)

Oke IMDB ratting-nya cuma 6,7 dari 10,643 voter, but i swear this movie worth to watch. this movie brought me to tears.aku suka grafiknya walopun mungkin terkesan 'cheap', tapi yakin menurutku gambarnya dramatis abis, yang kaya off-center, terus yang ada kayak editing galaxy di belakang, ada dua matahari di langitnya, zoom out blurry. Justin Long ama Emmy Rossum are just the perfect character for both Dell and Kimberly. aku suka karakter Dell yang sarcastic, sinis, and the fact that he is smart is a total turn on for me (walopun dia menilai dirinya cuma C-). nilai plus dari cerita ini adalah butuh sedikit konsentrasi untuk ngerti ceritanya karena filmnya sendiri alurnya maju-mundur dan gak tepat, BUT THAT MAKES IT SO GOOOD!! at the end of story, kita baka bertanya-tanya ama kata-katanya Kimberly "or... none of these really happening. this could be still your dream" 

2. 500 DAYS OF SUMMER (2009)

Temen yang aku saranin film ini bilang mereka ga begitu suka ama film ini, tapi aku suka banget sama film. berasa kayak ketampar banget nonton film ini. like there's something very realistic about being in this relationship. but at the other point, film ini juga ngasih harapan kalo love is real, kita kudu percaya ama yang namanya cinta hahaha gitulah. sama kayak film Comet, film ini juga alurnya maju mundur tapi pada tiap-tiap harinya ada tulisan hari keberapanya.
the point is, we all  i had been Summer too, maybe i am still. lol. but even summer eventually finds someone and so does Tom, but maybe we just need some more time. for once or twice we have fallen for the wrong person and we think that we deserve for someone and we only see from one perspective that we go through the hell only just for a little paradise. "next time you look back,i, uh, i really think you should look again"

3. 5 CM PER SECOND (2007)

Aku gatau ya anime ini masuk dalam list apa gak, tapi yakin deh aku suka banget sama film ini. emang rata-rata film yang aku suka genrenya gini semua wkwkw "i love you but we couldnt be together blablabla" and another cliche shits that we thought only happen in movie, but BAM until it slam us in the face. it happens.
ceritanya ttg cewek ama cowok cinta monyet pas SD, pas SMP surat2an dan akhirnya pas SMA ama pas udah kerja pada gak bisa move on. typical 'i love you but you love other person' gitu lah... tapi aku suka gambarnya disini, kayak soothing banget, cahayanya, pemilihan warnanya, pokoknya cantik banget. i'm not saying as if i've watched tons of anime or whatever tapi beneran deh gambarnya cantik banget ngedukung ceritanya. if you like Comet this one might got you too


I could claim myself that i'm a book lover and honestly watching the movie before read the book feels disgracing to me, but I promise i would read it. so yha, i watch the movie first because i wanna see Emma Watson selain jadi Hermione Granger. and DANG, Ezra Miller hot as fuck. sebenernya ceritanya cukup biasa aja sih, dari awal udah ketebak kok kalo charlie suka ama Sam, yaa cuma gitu sayangnya terakhir mereka ga bareng, although i'm glad they still be friend. i kinda hope Patrick turns Charlie into a gay and dates him. lol. i kinda hope after Sam was cheated by Craig, dia bakal balik ke Charlie (like all predictable romance movie), tapi engga. ceritanya somehow berakhir di Sam yang pergi kuliah dan pada akhirnya masa lalu charlie dan pengaruh Aunt Hellennya bakal lebih dijelasin dan ngasih banyak penjelasan soal flashback2 dia selama sama Sam.

5. BEGIN AGAIN (2013)

sebenernya aku sendiri not abig fan of musical movies (?) tapi i find Begin Again has a quiet unique story. and the message is clear "the only one way to move on is to be genuinely happy". sort of. walopun akhirnya aku aga bingung kenapa Gretta ninggalin Dave bahkan ketika Dave bilang dia udah pengen balik ke Gretta, maybe some wounds just never heal, like when someone cheated on you, for example. but i kinda want them to get back, you know. i mean 5 years aint a short time and i dont know what to expect from a cheater tapi kayaknya Dave udah nyesel ama tindakannya, dia ngajakin Gretta buat Meet up lagi, datang ke Live-nya, dan lain-lain. And obviously, Gretta gak bakalan jadian ama Dan. it would be awkward and strange soalnya juga Dan duda dan masih kelhatan sayang ama keluarganya. Anywaaaaaay! Keira Knightley sings amazingly here, her Lost Stars bener-bener merdu, aku sendri personally lebih seneng yang versinya Keira daripada Adam Levine.


midnight at Paris, what could i say yaahh... the film is just simply refreshing, i just think Rachell McAdams kok cocok yah jadi karakter nyebelin hahaha. intinya ini film ttg orang-orang yang ngga puas dengan keadaan masa kini-nya (seperti yg dikutip ama Adriana). Gill ikut sama orang tua Inez buat jalan-jalan ke paris dan berharap bisa dapet inspirasi di Paris, tapi kenyataannya di Paris Inez malah ketemu ama kenalannya John, which is either really-smart or just simply cocky. Gill doesnt enjoy his nights with Inez and John and his Fiance, jadi suatu malem dia mau balik dan tba2 diajakin naik taxi yang model mobilnya jaman dulu dan tiap tengah malem dia ngelayap ketemu ama penulis-penulis favoritnya, pelukis, dan orang-orang yang hidup di tahun 1920. endingnya lumayan ga ketebak sih, dan walopun film ini ga mengandung unsur sakit hati kaya film2 sebelumnya yang aku rekomendasiin, it's still worth to watch.


Save the best for the last. well ngga tau ya the best nya ini ato 'Comet' ato '500 days of summer'. Aku literally baru aja nonton film ini, like fucking 5 minutes ago, dan ini bener-bener bagus. aku inget pertama kali penasaran ama film ini gegara video-nya Above and Beyond - Peace of Mind (which is eventually like a chain of quote. Clementine menyebutkan sesuatu tentang "But I'm just a fucked-up girl who's lookin' for my own peace of mind"). judul film ini sebenernya bagian dari quote Alexander Pope yang disebutkan oleh Mary pada Dr. ini menceritakan tentang serangkaian kenangan Joel dan Clementine ketika Joel berusaha menghapus ingatannya dengan Clementine, tapi ditengah-tengah prosedur Joel berubah pikiran dan dia berusaha mempertahankan ingatannya dengan Clementine. it's strange thought, it's almost like we try to erase the past or change the past, because one time Joel talks to Clementine in the middle of their hiking about why they have to erase each other's memories. but eventually too bad bagaimana pun mereka berusaha mencegah buat memperthanakan kenangan itu, Joel ama Clementine sadar akhirnya mereka bakal ga inget satu sama lain ketika Joel bangun entar. 
"This is it, Joel. It's going to be gone soon" 
"i know" 
"what do we do?" 
"enjoy it"

 so.. i guess that's most of my list. kalo ada saran buat film-film semacam ini silahkan kasih masukan :3

pictures: tumblr, google, internet lol

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