Review: The Couple Next Door

kalau kalian notice di instagram aku, aku belakangan baca buku The Couple Next Door. just bought the book from my way back to Indonesia and had few euro left and decided to spend it on (more) book.
Judul : The Couple Next Door

Pengarang :  Shari Lapena
Tahun Release : 2017 (bought it fresh from the oven)

novel ini menceritakan(as it always tells), sepasang suami istri Anne dan Marco Conti lagi dinner time sama tetangga mereka, the Stillwell. Anne dan Marco ninggalin bayi mereka, Cora, di rumah sebelah yang dindingnya dempetan dengan hanya pengawasan audio dari monitor bayi. lewat tengah malem,mereka pulang dan ternyata the Baby is gone. someone took her. Anne akhirnya menelpon polisi dan disini mulailah cerita tentang usaha mereka buat dapetin Cora lag.
ratting goodreadnya 3.7 but honestly buat gue... this book obly deserve 3.
and "New York Time Bestseller"? like how?

ketika liat buku ini.
married couple
aku udah seiap mind-blown kayak novel2 yang berkutat di daerah sana.

buku ini ngga jelek lah,it is okay. but it doesn't give me the sting that I expected.
gue hidup dengan standar buku at Least Gone Girl, Out, ato at least Confession/ Kokuhaku. might also throw The Girl on The Train atau.... Real World. I used to read with that standard. lot of complexion and twist and unexpected turns.
but sadly, The Couple Next Door, ngga memberikan Thrill ato Suspence, ato seenggaknya drama yg aku harapkan. I just read at least 1/3 part of the book and wondering Is something gonna happen or what?

for me personally, alurnya lambat,perkembangan kasusnya lambat, penjabaran esmosi karakternya juga ngga se detail dan se-deep Gone Girl ato The Girl on The Train. no action, no fighting scene. the only one that little help is that Anne got a little secret to hide, but this one also doenst play a big part in the disspaearance. and kinda... remind me a little bit to The Girl on The Train?
and one big question: "ayah macem apa yg tega membahayakan putrinya buat uang tebusan?"
this whole story honestly give me a huge question mark. how is this even possible?
Marco kelihatan sayang banget ama Cora, dan dia ngejadiin Cora buat jadi tebusan penculikannya. dan diakhir cerita menurut aku anti klimaks banget ya soal penculikan Cora ini. cara bayinya akhirnya pulang dan cara penculiknya ketemu.
there's a little thrill di bagian ending banget but it doesn't give me the chill or blow my mind or anything. I think the whole kidnapping plan and the story is kinda... disappointing?

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